Inspired by the great Khe Hy, I distilled down my 42 commandments for life. Enjoy and continue the list by adding comments!
1. 🌱 Life’s good when you are surrounded by nature.
2. 💤 Mankind’s worst technological invention has been the snooze button.
3. 🚴♂️ Taking a bike ride has never been a poor decision.
4. 🔵 When in doubt, choose the [blue]. (Replace with your favorite color.)
5. ❤️ I don’t give a damn about my life span as long as I maximize my health span.
6. 🔌 Never buy a gadget that needs daily charging. (No smart watch, Tesla, whatever.)
7. 😠 Yelling at other drivers in the traffic never has a good outcome. (Either, you get a punch in your face, or you get angrier.)
8. ☢️ The Law of Minimal Exposure: consume no more than three resources before you act.
9. 🙏 The Law of Requisition: you just have to ask for what you really want.
10. ✍️ Mark Twain was right: Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.
11. 😩 Everybody got their own situation.
12. 🧒 What made me happy as a child is very likely to work now.
13. 👕 When you find the most comfortable T-shirt, buy in bulk (even if your wife resists).
14. 🌈 Never delay happiness until retirement: there is a great chance that you will be dead or paralyzed.
15. 🛒 Always let the one-roll lady go ahead of you in line in the grocery store. (She will be endlessly grateful for it.)
16. 🍼 If you’re tired of babysitting adults, treat them as adults (and leave them alone).
17. 📩 The art of following up is what separates professionals from amateurs: out of 10 people, 9 will never answer for the first attempt.
18. 🌿 The Elite Paradox: as an entrepreneur or business owner, focus on the pros & the wealthy. Amateurs don’t need your service.
19. 🩺 Your doctor rarely if ever will tell you what to do about your condition or how to implement their program. (You need to figure it out on your own.)
20. 🛍️ Buy the best and use it until it fades away. Literally.
21. ✖️ The only thing that separates the pessimist and the realist is statistics.
22. 💰. It’s always easier (and more scalable) to earn more than cut back on your expenses.
23. ⏳ 10 minutes is a lot of time. (Credit: Matthew Dicks)
24. 🎚️ If you fail, it means there is nothing new. Things will be as before your try.
25. ☑️ Most of the time, tracking things is a waste of time. Skip tracking, keep doing it!
26. 🚇 Every couple of years, mix up your commute. It’s so much fun.
27. 🧢 My best investment has been my 20-year-old hat.
28. 📈 Never bother with stocks until you figure out how to make good money (AKA the Just in Time rule).
29. 🎧 My best gadget ever has been my 70-EUR wireless headphones.
30. 🥇 The first thing you should do in a new workplace is to negotiate your priorities with your boss. (The second best thing is to build a new habit.)
31. 👍 The best social channel is iWiW: because it’s dead.
32. 👪 My parents are almost always right.
33. 📤 Never get into a fight via email.
34. 🤞 The best things are not what we anticipate the most, nevertheless, anticipation is a good thing.
35. 🌞 The best day happens when I do various things.
36. ✅ There is nothing that beats simplicity.
37. 🎂 The best thing you can ask for your birthday is some adventure.
38. ☑️ Be biased towards action.
39. 🧲 Life is what you make it.
40. 🚴♂️ Exercise is the No. 1 thing that extends your health span. Period.
41. 🚀 Listening to some music, tidying up, or taking a ride are the best cures against misery.
42. ☁️ On the so-called bad days, I’d read it out loud: I treat bad days like a holiday.
Cover photo by Nathan Cima on Unsplash